Why do we still listen to the Greek Myths?

BBC - Radio 4 In Our Time - Home Page

This actually builds on my earlier comments about company culture and Counterculture.
I think the power and influence of the Greek myths demonstrates the role of the story teller in the education of society. Today so much of society is in the corporate environment, which is why there is this connection. I think it is also why today's western culture is losing some of the art of story telling. However, it is still vital to us, as we always are looking for meaning in what we do and where we are going.
On the other hand, our need for meaning should not drive us to simply opening ourselves up to believing pseudo-science, just because it can't be disproved.

Myths remain because they are both entertaining and give us an easy way into some of the most difficult moral questions we encounter. Stories can also be history, but of course there is a difference. History's pursuit of the truth is noble and important, but a factually accurate history can only take us so far. The facts are not always the best way to the truth. Beliefs, whether religious, personal or political, whether true or false, are often the driving force behind events. We must always be aware of this base on which a history is written.

Myths do not make us feel we have to believe the facts, but rather allow us to play with thoughts and ideas. The stories often push experiences to their limit. On one level, this makes them entertaining for all ages. But there is always a deeper level in which they challenge and stretch our assumptions and personal values. The vehicle of a myth allows us to play out the extremes (murder, incest, power) while always being able to pull back to 'reality'.

Our most popular TV dramas and movies are the modern day equivalent still pushing the boundaries in the same themes. The weakness I see is that fewer individuals tell great stories, as we rely more on sitting back and waiting to be offered up these experiences, whether at work or on the sofa.
