Good on ya, Henry - and George too

RAF flypast for Europe's oldest man | UK news | The Observer

How many phases of life has this man seen? Probably enough to know a thing or two, but also to know what to keep to himself

When our daughter came along, I started to find myself experiencing life from a new perspective. I was the father, parents were the grandparents. Obvious, but what surprised me was that feeling of being there before, just from a different perspective.
I can now re-interpret the actions of my own parents when I was a child, and that's a strange feeling of disjoint. Suddenly I realize that they were people with full lives, not just playing the role that served my life.
So, perhaps now I start on the slippery slope of becoming wiser and older, and steadily more annoying to those younger and more naive, but generally optimistic of opportunity.

But I wander whether reaching over 100 lets you re-embrace becoming the child again.
