Yahoo's More Difficult Journey

I think Kara Swisher summed up the current state of play most eloquently: It stinks.

Shocker: Yahoo Shoots Carl Icahn as Microsoft Messenger | Kara Swisher | BoomTown | AllThingsD

The latest Microsoft/Icahn joint offer, and Yahoo's quick rejection just build up more bad blood before the Board meeting on August 1st. It still seems to be that there is strategic merit in a whole purchase by Microsoft, but, as countless examples show us, the success depends on execution.
The longer this goes on, the more likely bad will on both sides jeopardizes any successful partnership. Perhaps it is Jerry and Roy to blame who could have accepted the $33, and worked to make this happen in the best possible way for their employees. Instead, any deal struck now will probably result in far more turnover and change than may previously have been managed.
If a deal does not happen, Yahoo still has a fantastic group of assets. Unfortunately, their recent history seems to be littered with examples of how to erode their worth rather than capitalize. The e-mail of a current Y! employee finds many agreeing comments from others who know the company.

Go West - FORTUNE Magazine Yahoo re-org: A view from the ranks �

Constant re-orgs as leaders are driven by the politics of power, detached from real technical savvy to produce product innovation. Panama has not moved the needle, and they still are not delivering anything during this window of opportunity before Google/Doubleclick and/or Microsoft/Aquantive get going.
