Modern War and PR

While Georgian president might have lost war against Russia, he is widely seen to have won propaganda battle |
World news |
The Guardian

I find this a really interesting development. Often in history, relatively small scale events have much wider implications and repercussions. This seems to be one of those.
Russia remains a significant force on the world stage, due really to its recent past. I am not sure I see a long term future for it against China, India, Brazil and others with growing/greater populations, resources and innovation. So, perhaps I see Russia as more of a medium term maverick, driven by its pride. The trick is perhaps to work out how to stroke its ego while over time its influence diminishes.

Update...interesting slant on the cultural drivers of Russia's state and its actions
Russian intellectuals | The hand that feeds them |


Anonymous said…
Interesting, have just bought 'cold war'
I am not entirely sure how long this can last for - but with people, military might and natural resources, I wouldn't bet against lots of sabre rattling in the next couple of decades