The noughties – a decade of Big Science - New Scientist

The noughties – a decade of Big Science - opinion - 21 December 2009 - New Scientist: "Milestones of the noughties
2001: Draft human genome published. Wikipedia and iPod launched
2002: Discovery of Quaoar ignites Pluto wars
2003: 'Hobbit' found on Flores. Confirmation that the universe is 13.7 billion years old
2004: SpaceShipOne wins X Prize. Spirit and Opportunity land on Mars. Asian tsunami
2005: First face transplant. Huygens probe lands on Titan. YouTube launched
2006: Poincar�conjecture cracked. Cloner Woo Suk Hwang charged with fraud
2007: Yangtze dolphin goes extinct
2008: LHC starts up. Oil shock and food crisis
2009: LHC starts up... again"
