iPad: Old Media's Saviour?

Wired have put on line a very nice demonstration of the interactive magazine, through the iPad. And a pretty obvious call out to advertisers to think again about pulling their dollars, and reinvesting in magazine channels.
The Wired Tablet App: A Video Demonstration | Epicenter | Wired.com

John Battelle makes a strong point about how these guys are actually operating in the old model, and hoping that they can maintain their revenues and eyes by moving print to iPad (and print)
I Don't Like The iPad Because... - John Battelle's Searchblog

I think it makes complete sense that strong information brands should embrace the channels available to them, to reach their customers everywhere. The iPad format could be a far more successful place to go to continue to keep some share of the premium ad dollars. But I do not know how much 'some' share will be. As consumers of information we will value our most important sources, but also expect to be able to quickly cross reference with others. The consumer will pay for quality, but the threshold of tolerance for restriction will be low. A Wired, an FT, a Vogue must continue to prove their worth. While every information source beneath the winners will continue to struggle for eyes and more importantly income.
