Nokia, RIM and Yahoo

It strikes me that these three companies all have various commentators predicting their imminent demise. All three seem to have seen the world move on to the Apple/Google mobile social experience. Both Yahoo and Nokia have struck deals with Microsoft and each other in the last few years though there is little to show for them so far, and Microsoft itself has not proven itself against Apple/Google/Facebook either.
My guess at this time is RIM is likely to fall fastest, to a small niche player due to its own network enabling a more secure service for important groups of customers. Yahoo has already been steadily falling and this seems to be continuing with little strategic breakthroughs yet coming from its 4 month strategic review. Nokia are saying the new phone is doing fine - but 1 million of sales compared to 37 million iPhones in the last quarter....Maybe they are just hoping Google has more $ to spend.
