The Republican Brain: Why Even Educated Conservatives Deny Science - and Reality | Truthout

The Republican Brain: Why Even Educated Conservatives Deny Science - and Reality | Truthout

A good summary of what I think is a widespread occurence. I am not too surprised by it myself. The right is sui generis more conservative and ideological. They have successfully made topics where the facts are hard to make tangible to the every day experience (global warming, war on terror, religion on abortion, the deficit impact on our children) less science and logic based, and more emotion and belief based. The more educated tend to be the leaders and are likely aware that they are playing this strategy.
It is hard to know exactly how to tackle that to get those topics into the realm of rational control. It needs to be about trying to focus on the more tangible effects that people can see every day. However, those don't always play into the theory. A hot summer and water shortages will have Average Joe talking to his neighour about global warming, while a cold and snowy winter will have them denying it again.
So the left is likely to bend the truth on short term real life occurences while the right is likely to bend the turth on long term trends. Actually steering the right course depends on our bodies of government who are in place beyond the typical election cycle, but not their too long to get detached from the daily issues of most concern to people. I guess that's the Senate, House of Lords, etc.
