Republican v Conservative - Slate Magazine

Obama's re-election did seem to signal that the Republican party platform of sticking tightly to its conservative right principles will not win national elections. Although Romney was probably the most moderate of their choices, he was still having to play the strong principle card on many issues.
John Dickerson points out these two events of last week that seem to show the party is not willing or able to shift in any way, and I do think that they are re-inforcing a view that the Republican party is more extreme than the majority. The NRA's press conference really seemed an unnecessary stand at a post tragedy, pre Holiday sensitive moment in the national psyche.
It is interesting to ponder whether a two party system is really sustainable, or whether this is the right time to actually get some more party politics into this democracy.

John Boehner’s failure and Wayne LaPierre’s defiance are two signs of just how far the Republican Party has fallen. - Slate Magazine

John Dickerson: "The message of both of these acts is more than “we’re sticking to our principles.” The message is: We don’t care about the wider audience. That cannot be the message that the Republican Party wants. It particularly can’t be the message after Mitt Romney’s losing presidential campaign, which was defined by his secretly taped conversation with donors in which he said he didn’t care about 47 percent of the population. We know it's not the message that its putative leaders want to send. Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, and Paul Ryan are all trying to send various messages of inclusion."

UNODC homicide statistics
Country, % homicides by firearms, per 100,000
US:             67%     3.6
Germany:   26%      0.2
Australia:    12%      0.1
UK:             6%       0.1
Japan:          2%       0.0
