Mobile Phones on Flights - another untouched wilderness is conquered

Personally I'd be happy to pretend that cell phone usage was dangerous and so continue to support the ban of their use on planes.

This is not because I'd be concerned that I'd have to listen to the conversations of others. As this blog points out, we seem to have enough control in restaurants and I am sure the same pattern would apply to planes.
Here's Why The FCC Should Allow Cell Phone Use On Airplanes - Business Insider

No, I would just like to maintain places to hide. Where I can have an excuse for not being contactable, where I can read a book, listen to music, or even watch a movie I have no interest in watching - I might be surprised. I might even having nothing to do, and reflect on my life...
It's a more general point. It's great that when I choose to, I can have access to everyone, and have a stream of personalized content. But, everyone else knows I am accessible and should be on top of every last thing relevant to my world, business and personal. And, that's a lot of pressure for us all. Having dark caves to hide in can have its plus points.
