'House of Cards' - do ratings matter?

They sure do. But if you are Netflix right now, I understand why it's not necessary to share too much.

'House of Cards' Ratings Mystery: The Guessing Game of Who's Watching Netflix Originals - The Hollywood Reporter

When you have a hit on your hands, and the media is happy to talk it up in that way, the momentum lies with you and it's in your interests to keep it to drive up more subscribers.

However, just as the media has been covering the excitement, it's also been covering the frustrations of streaming the new series. Lightning fast broadband connections seem to be struggling.

Netflix speeds lag for Verizon users amid dispute - Feb. 21, 2014

So how do the two sides agree on the right balance of revenue and cost, and yet maintain the concept of net neutrality. Improvements in ratings will be required to better measure the value of the users, for both subscriber and advertiser models, and one's that enable measurement across multiple channels and distribution formats.

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It will likely still take a long time to get there, as the economic implications for all the players could be significant, and the volatility of transition will be tough for some.
So the importance of having the most desirable content and maintaining the perception that it is the most desirable is critical for Netflix. Their journey remains fascinating to watch
