
The one constant thing in Technology has been change

When are we going to work harder?

Heroin on the rise in our quick fix culture

Close to the glass cliff….Yahoo, Theranos and Boards

All about the Millenials….Gen Xers sick of it

Complex world, simple decisions? | Notenstein dialague with Noreena Hertz

Choose Your Emissions Future: feel free to "fiddle', but good to know the scenarios

Breaking Glass: is it all possible?

Balancing on the Glass Cliff: society and behaviors

Wow, that happened a long time ago and we're still arguing about it….Women's liberation

Wow, that happened a long time ago and we're still arguing about it….Evolution in Schools

Technology - environments foe and friend….

Measuring the Glass Ceiling: data driving more transparency

Warmer Pacific...Record-Setting Toxic Algae Bloom

It's getting hot in here…so what do we take off? NOAA's results

Now, that's an org chart….

Maya Angelou, Still I Rise

Internet Boom or Bust....other thoughts