A Teenager’s View on Social Media — Backchannel

A great post for all us non-millenials to understand better what's going on in the social networking space. I pulled out some highlights from Andrew, the student who wrote this

"If I could break down a party for you in social media terms, here’s how it would pan out:
You post yourself getting ready for the party, going to the party, having fun at the party, leaving at the end of the party, and waking up the morning after the party on Snapchat.
On Facebook you post the cute, posed pictures you took with your friends at the party with a few candids (definitely no alcohol in these photos).
On Instagram you pick the cutest one of the bunch to post to your network."

Facebook: "It’s dead to us...That being said, if you don't have Facebook, that’s even more weird and annoying." Good for messaging and groups and initiating communications.
Instagram: "although the most people are on Facebook, we actually post stuff on Instagram...less commercialized and more focused on the content, meaning more teens are inclined to visit it."
Twitter: "To be honest, a lot of us simply do not understand the point of Twitter...a place to follow/be followed by a bunch of random strangers, yet still have your identity be attached to it"
Snapchat: "Snapchat is quickly becoming the most used social media network…where we can really be ourselves while being attached to our social identity.

Tumblr: "a place to follow/be followed by a bunch of random strangers, yet not have your identity be attached to it...where you are your true self...easily meet others worldwide who hold similar interests."
