Success is individual, failure is society...?
In a previous post, I noted how Michael Lewis sees this at play in the world of high finance as he tells the tale of "The Big Short".
Came across an interesting take on the same theme from New York Magazine in the political arena.

Study Shows Obama’s Right: You Didn’t Build That -- NYMag: "The connective tissue uniting all these episodes is that Obama pinpointed the core philosophical issue dividing the two parties in American life today, and framed the distinction in unusually stark terms. Republicans consider the distribution of wealth produced by the market economy to be sacrosanct, or at least quite fair. ("Social Darwinism" does not describe a belief that poor people should be killed but that the free market is a perfect mechanism for rewarding merit.) Democrats consider that distribution to be shot through with unfairness. From these differing assumptions, the two parties proceed to their radically divergent approaches to the redistribution of income."

It is a tricky balance rather than a clear dichotomy.
