Republican party...where did you go?

New York Daily News Blasts Ryan For Standing By ‘Racist’ Trump

How depressing to see Paul Ryan have to admit that he'd rather have an open racist than Hillary Clinton, after rightly disavowing Trump's comments.  His comments showed the mental gymnastics republicans are having to attempt in order to satisfy their thirst for power above all principles.

Paul Ryan rips Donald Trump remarks as 'textbook definition of racist comment' - "the textbook definition of a racist comment.....I disavow those comments," Ryan said....But he stood by by his support for the controversial business mogul. "Do I think Hillary Clinton is the answer? No I do not."

As Friedman wrote in the NY Times, we do need a grand new Republican party. The increasingly negative obstructionism of the last 20 years has to stop. Hopefully, talented people who truly see their duty to all Americans will rise to the challenge. In the meantime, the best result is a miserable defeat for the Republicans in November.

Dump the G.O.P. for a Grand New Party - The New York Times: "And we know just how little they are attached to any principles, because today’s Republican Party’s elders have told us so by (with a few notable exceptions) being so willing to throw their support behind a presidential candidate who they know is utterly ignorant of policy, has done no homework, has engaged in racist attacks on a sitting judge, has mocked a disabled reporter, has impugned an entire religious community, and has tossed off ignorant proposals for walls, for letting allies go it alone and go nuclear and for overturning trade treaties, rules of war and nuclear agreements in ways that would be wildly destabilizing if he took office."
