Election making more sense....but what about the real problems

Good news is that the polls finally seem to be making some sense. Clinton probably just needs to stay relatively quiet and let Trump keep talking, and she can walk away with this in November. The most interesting scenario will be if Trump can stand losing so much that he drops out earlier and the Republicans can pull someone half decent out.
Otherwise, let's hope the Republicans get defeated so they can rise from the ashes more in line with the world today, but with some sense around trade, business and the markets. US markets may be at all time highs, but that's mostly due to a lack of alternatives in a low interest rate US and uncertain world - and perhaps some olympics glow.
We need politicians who can one more put citizens' interests ahead of their own personal ambitions, and lean into technology and science to move faster, not slower in confronting the challenges of progress.

Jeff Immelt expressed the concerns well in a short piece following Brexit: "For me, here’s the real lesson from Brexit: It goes beyond populism, beyond the fact that people are angry. We are witnessing the failure of bureaucracies in large institutions. Unrest is caused by a lack of leadership. People become afraid when there is no vision for growth. People become discouraged when their leaders don’t want to compete for the future. People become victims when leadership fails." (How GE Plans to Keep Growing in a Post-Brexit World - Fortune)
