Bluff and Alternative Facts

It's well know by now, but I still feel like I have to note this post truth world we are in currently because it is just plain scary. In business, politics and war, we often have to let leaders lead, and believe that they know what they are doing. We are even accepting of some reliance on luck - but assuming the house is not fully stacked against us.

But as the proposal for a new health care act shows, poor management and leadership does impact results. Its not dead yet, but it's an amazing start. A second travel ban is also held up on court. Really? They could not get it right the second time around.

Perhaps, though continued incompetence, there will be a dawning realization from supporters that this was all a bluff. Let's take the budget. I am all for driving efficiency in Washington and am not overly concerned about the cuts in discretionary spending. I have seen it in business - in the face of cuts people often find a way. They will mobilize in and outside of government to ensure the generally right decision is made. But these 'big' decisions on discretionary are really a a smokescreen to the really tough decisions on health care, infrastructure and entitlements. As the New Yorker pointed out, "For decades, the G.O.P. and right-wing media have been saying that the government is riddled with fraud and wastes money on handouts....“When Trump voters hear that he wants to cut the federal payroll and shut down the N.E.A., a bell goes off that says he’s a deficit hawk, even if his tax plan will supersize the debt,” Hochschild said. A few distracting gestures may enable Trump to reassure people that he’s keeping his campaign promises, even if his budget never comes close to being balanced. How is he going to solve his budget dilemma? By pretending that he has." ( Trump’s Budget Bluff - The New Yorker)

But how do we deal with the bluff and diversion that will continue to accompany budget plans and health care acts? It is amazing though how exhausting it is to ignore the lies and half truths. "Lies are exhausting to fight, pernicious in their effects and, perhaps worst of all, almost impossible to correct if their content resonates strongly enough with people’s sense of themselves, which Trump’s clearly do." Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain - POLITICO Magazine

Even when FBI Director Comey comes out in this week's hearing to confirm he has nothing, "President Donald Trump will not be apologizing to Barack Obama or backing away from his claim that the former president wiretapped Trump Tower, even though basically everyone who would be in a position to know what happened has publicly rebuked his theory. “This is still ongoing,” White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Monday. It is not ongoing anywhere but at the White House. (White House: Trump Still Won't Apologize To Obama Over Wiretapping | The Huffington Post)

However, there has been an interesting development this week as over enthusiastic tweets backfire. Even as they get tweeted out mid hearing with the FBI chief, such that democratic panelists can then ask questions in response to them! Perhaps a new model is being born to deal with the trigger happy President.

Fascinating times.
