Reflections on a longer life


The Economist ran a holiday special on 'How food affects the mind, as well as the body'. Meanwhile National Geographic had it's own deep dive into 'Can aging be cured? Scientists are giving it a try'

The science on nutrition's impact on the body and brain seems to still be understudied, since it's a hard thing to have people test, and there is lots of room for the quack's quick cure. So while there seems to be increasing belief that there are links, it needs more study. While there is an issue of patentability to incentivize companies to invest here, it seems an important enough area for governments (or tech billionaires) to invest for the long term in human capability.

Perhaps the link to longer life could drive up public support for companies and governments to do more in this space. National Geographic's article points to many different tracks of research into animals that could provide insight into human life.  Jeff Bezos and others "shook the tight-knit world of aging research in early 2022 with the launch of a three-billion-dollar reprogramming venture, Altos Labs."

And why do we want to live longer? The link to the healthy mind is critical, since that seems to be the way to continue to benefit society as physical bodies will continue to age. Smart insightful commentary from minds that lived through two world wars and a cold war could be beneficial. Of course, the evil mastermind would not be!

Can aging be cured? Scientists are giving it a try
