Have faith in faith


The Economist highlighted work that shows how "Places with high religious participation have fewer deaths of despair ... The loss of social capital, as well as opioids, explains rising middle-aged mortality"

The chart is quite stunning, to the point of questioning the pre-2000 data. But then the fragmentation and anger of current years would make sense as an output from these types of societal changes.

"Strikingly, the study found that private prayer was not linked to lower deaths of despair. This suggests that the risk reduction stems not from belief, but rather from the interpersonal connections that organised religion provides."

Beyond religion, I am sure that can also apply to strong institutions of many kinds, from schools to universities to workplaces and sports. Human beings are social animals, but we are also violent animals. Working and socializing remotely through technology accentuates the hostility. Being together reminds us that we are all human.
